4 Man Mask 2 Unique, Irreplaceable, Accessory. 1-aff-red/1-aff-green = if insane, you may spend negative attribute tokens in place of survival. Mask Maker endeavor, 1x skull, 6x bone, 4x organ 5 Calcified Shoulder Pads item,bone,heavy. Add 3 to all hit locations. 1x 1-aff-green = Ripple Pattern: when you are attacked, roll 1d10. On a 10+, ignore 1 hit. Underground Sow Event 1x Century Shoulder Pads 6 Scarab Circlet jewelry,bone,other. Add 1 to all hit locations. During the showdown, when your survival is reduced to 0, gain +1 strength token. Wet Resin Crafter nightmare corn (reqd), 1x compound eye, 1x hide, 1x bone
# Armor Head Arms Body Waist Legs Notes 2 Regeneration Suit 2 item, gorm. Accessory. 2x 1-aff-green / 1x 0.5-aff-green = At the end of the showdown, remove any permanent injuries you suffered this showdown. Gormery 1x stomach lining, 1x jiggling lard 3 Leather Skirt 3 Leather Worker 1x leather 4 Regeneration Suit 2 item, gorm. Accessory. 2x 1-aff-green / 1x 0.5-aff-green = At the end of the showdown, remove any permanent injuries you suffered this showdown. Gormery 1x stomach lining, 1x jiggling lard 5 Screaming Brain organ, consumable resource. Consume to archive and gain survival up to the current limit.
--- 6 Gorn item,instrument,gormskin. Spend action: all non-deaf knocked down survivors stand and gain +1 armor to all hit locations. Use once per showdown. Gormery 1x stout heart, 3x bone
Campaign Name: (Make it unique!!!!!) Innovations:
The innovation list is saved with the Campaign name. Make sure the Campaign name is unique or someone else may wipe it out on you.
The innovations must be named EXACTLY the same as they appear on the full list of innovations, and must be comma-delimited.
If you save a list of innovations, then when you roll random innovations, it will generate a list based on those you've saved.