My Campaign - changes and what I include:

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1. You will find additional items in the lists here that are not in the base game. Off the top of my head, those include: backpack, bandolier, anklebiter axe, ankleslicer sword, manacles, Beetle Eye Shield, Biting Visage, Ram Prow. Those with the biggest game-changing effects will be the shields.

2. New Innovations: Advanced Combat: Flanking, Advanced Combat: Shield Wall, Altar, Backpack. Of these, Backpack will have the greatest effect on your campaign. The Flanking innovation is very similar to one that I know Adam is putting into the game in 1.5.

3. I've added about 75 more hunt events (so 175 total at the time I'm writing this) to the game, some of which include random showdowns. Note that the new hunt events can randomly generate other new sub-items/events within them. I also clarify if survivor(s) get to use *INVESTIGATE* or *STRAGGLER* bonuses on that event. They also hide the results of the dice roll. We have the person read off the base text from the computer, and then rolls are made, and then we click to see what the results do.

3. When choosing to go on an event, the team chooses to hunt in a zone - one of Crags, Forest, River, or Ruins.

4. Rather than choosing a hunt event card on each spot, we click on the Events: Crags Forest River Ruins links. This generates events more fitting to each zone, so hunts feel more "themed." We still put in monster-specific card draws on certain grids, though.

5. On the hunt, Overwhelming Darkness has been replaced - we click on the Overwhelming Darkness link to see the list and roll against it. If the party does well enough, they move down to a "better table" for potential gains of survival or even a fighting art. (My group believes that more experienced hunters will get past, or be better at dealing with the horrors of the dark.)

6. I added new terrain types. So far these include: teleporters (always linked in a pair), boulder/rock formation, 3 building sizes, fallen tree, giant tree stump, ponds (large and small), standing trees, and U-shaped stairs (e.g. ruins). The ponds allow someone to duck to be out of view, but cost 2 movement to move into a square of the pond.

7. Rather than use the standard board layout on every hunt, I designed a random board generator that uses old and new terrain, places the monster in a random location, and places a random zone the survivors must be placed in. This totally changes how hunts feel, and makes for some really interesting strategy changes. (We've had them turn out great, and also horrible.) To use this, click at least once on the zone you are hunting in, and then click on the type of monster for that showdown. (Some monsters always have specific terrain tiles added to a board.)

8. Some minor changes have been made to a few things, such as a few hunt events that had insta-death for no reason at all. To my group, that's not horror, it's just bad gameplay, as it doesn't penalize poor decisions, it's just random.

9. If you put in a *very unique* campaign name at the bottom of the web page, enter a list of Innovations and save it, it'll remember those, and then when you click on a number by innovation (the 1 2 3 4 5), it'll generate the new innovations based on those you already have. If you add one, just update your list at the bottom and save again. Clicking on MY SETTLEMENT shows the full list of your settlement's innovations based on those you already have.

10. Monsters only destroy terrain that is 1 grid thick in the direction they are moving.