Where I Am
About Kevin Rau |
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I'm the author of the H.E.R.O. series of novels in the SciFi/Superhero genre. I also do character art (as seen on the rest of the page here).
I've launched the Author Interview pages to promote my fellow authors, and hopefully create some cross-links back to their websites or social networks within the interview.
Interview with Gary Henry
Gary Henry Interview Date: 7/27/2012 |
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Gary Henry is a writer, runner and dog dad, retired US Navy Chief and certified coach with the Road Runners Club of America. His favorite – oh hell, MY favorite stuff to do includes climbing mountains, exploring caves, running all day and night on trails in the woods, swimming, mucking about with dogs, reading books, watching movies and chilling with the spouse (notice I saved the best for last). I’m fond of beer and champagne.
Kev's response: In the immortal words of Homer Simpson, "Mmm, beer." Not that I'm a beer drinker myself (more of a UV Blue and Lemonade drinker), but I understand the desire. :)
When did you start writing, and was there a significant event that prompted you to do so?
3rd grade. Guess that would’ve been 1964. No special event, but I recall the story ~ about a trip to Pluto and fighting space monsters.
Kev's response: Poor monsters, huddling around a campfire on the frigid cold surface of Pluto, and here comes Gary to rampage through them!
If you could have one superpower, what would it? (Assuming said power would be reasonbly powerful.)
Kev's response: Awesome power. Speaking of flight, I'm loving the special effects of it on the new Man of Steel trailer.
Do you have a favorite superhero from novels, comics, or movies?
Captain America in Marvel’s old “Tales of Suspense,” which he shared with Iron Man.
Kev's response: Cheap bastich, that darn Iron Man could have bought his own copy! Er, wait, did you mean they shared in the adventure? All right, fine, rich boy can go.
Where do you get your inspiration for writing? What motivates you?
Life. Spouse. Books. Music. Movies. People. Dogs. Mountains. Caves. Oceans. Outer space. Guess I better stop there.
Kev's response: Now for the challenge: To write a novel introducing each of those into a single (cohesive) story ... in order!
Do you pre-plan your stories, or are you a by-the-seat-of-the-pants style writer?
I dream up the rough outlines first, then type the specifics.
Kev's response: Sounds similar to my general plan of attack. I've heard of authors who go through and write the story, without speech, and then go back and add that all back in on a different pass. Sounds pretty wacky to me.
Do you write only when inspired, or do you have a set schedule where you sit down to write?
I have a day job as a marketing copywriter, so 9-5 for that. For my true love fiction, I steal whatever time I can from wherever I can.
Kev's response: So true for indies. Very few of us are able to do it as full-time work, right?
Do you have a favorite genre to write in? To read?
Superheroes and heroic fantasy. I grew up on comic books and Robert E. Howard. I had all the Conan, Doc Savage and Tarzan books I could find.
Kev's response: Wow, it's been a long time since I've read the Tarzan series. Seems like another life.
What do you enjoy the most about writing?
Tapping at the keyboard and reading what I’ve written.
Is there any part of writing that you don't enjoy?
Love it all. Hate when I’m called away. Never enough time.
Kev's response: That is so true. I could use more focus, myself.
Can you tell me something odd about yourself?
I like to run. I know that’s not odd. The odd part is sometimes I like to run all day and all night.
Kev's response: You must be in great shape! I've been doing two workouts a day (an hour each) lately (most days, not all), and I feel like I'm in the gym or on the elliptical ALL THE TIME. Having said that, I seem to get more writing done while jogging.
Do you write one story at a time, or do you have several novels in the works at one time?
One story at a time, please.
I'm looking to advertise for evil minions for my plot to take over the world, any suggestions?
If the applicants are chewing gum, shoot them if they didn’t bring enough for everyone.
Kev's response: Heck yeah! I'm adding that right on the form.
Where do you see the future as far as paper books versus digital e-books?
I think we’ll have both for the foreseeable future, though e-books haven’t yet come close to reaching their potential market. Funny thing ~ as much as all of us indie writers love e-books ~ they’ve made so much possible for us ~ all most of us really want is to see our books in print.
Kev's response: I would love to see mine on store shelves, but if it were in a box on a USB drive, or whatever format wouldn't matter much to me. Having said that, I do setup my books on CreateSpace and order at least a proof of each for my coffee table, so I'm guilty of wanting to see my work.
What are your current projects?
Trying to get my debut novel “American Goddesses” into the hands of readers. Then onto my next book, an historical fantasy adventure titled “A Barbarian in Rome.” Gladiators. Roman Legions. Zombies. You know.
Kev's response: Sounds like a lot of potential on it!
Do you have any advice for others about self-publishing?
Be willing to learn and don’t quit.
Do you have any online sites where readers can find out more about you (and your books)?
I was hoping you’d ask! I review books and have a few other features at Honest Indie Book Reviews ~ http://honestindiebookreviews.wordpress.com/
You can also visit my page at independent Authors international ~
While there check out our other fantastic authors.
If you’re interested in the strange “world beyond the marathon” of ultrarunning, you can find stories and photos at my website http://ultrastory.com.
Thanks for the interview, Kevin. Your site, books and superheroes are incredibly cool. And the list of writers you’ve interviewed is a who’s who of Indie writing. So honored
to have my name among them.
Keep up the fight, my friend! Or to put it another way – “Don’t yield, back SHIELD!” Woohoo!

Kev's response: I'm glad to have you with us, Gary, thank you for spending the time! Good fortune on Amcerican Goddesses, and your future barbaric books of brain-eaters as well!
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